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Государственный биологический музей имени К. А. Тимирязева

Plan your visit


15, Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, Moscow
+7 (499) 252-3681
Monday – closed
Tuesday 10 AM to 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM to 6 PM
Thursday 12 AM to 9 PM
Friday 10 AM to 6 PM
Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM
Sunday 11 AM to 6 PM

Entrance to the museum stops one hour before the closing of the museum.

Sanitary day is the last Tuesday of the month.


Adults — 400 RUB, children — 200 RUB
Reserve tickets:

Biology Museum floor plan


Vilrtual guide


Our mission is to draw people’s attention to the study of life science: about nature and about ourselves. We strive to inspire and motivate children in biology with all the richness of its manifestations, to cultivate respect for all living things, and educate future scientists. The main goal of all our projects, exhibitions, excursions, classes, and lectures is education. We believe gaining knowledge is interesting, and understanding biology is enjoyable and fruitful.

History of the building

The name of the estate founder is forever engraved in Russian history. Pyotr Ivanovich Shchukin is the Russian biggest art collector of second half of the 19th century, merchant, hereditary honorary citizen, actual state counselor and creator of Russian Antquities private museum. Pyotr Shchukin built an estate in pseudo-Russian style for his collection. It consisted of weapons, textile, carpets, paintings, engravings, church utensils, tableware and jewellery. The library made a special department. In 1905 Pyotr Shchukin donated his collection along with land and estate to State Historical Museum.

History of the Museum

Biology Museum named after K. A. Timiryazev was established in 1922 as educational museum within the Communist University named after Y. M. Sverdlov. The founder and the ­first director of the museum was Boris Mihailovich Zavadovsky, a great specialist in the ­field of physiology, endocrinology and developmental biology, member of Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VASKhNIL). The museum was named after Kliment Arkadievich Timiryazev, a naturalist, plant physiologist, major researcher of photosynthesis and major advocate and proponent of Evolution Theory of Charles Darwin. B. M. Zavadovsky not only created a unique museum of scientifi­cally valid biological ideas. The museum was interactive! Exhibition displayed all branches of biology. The Biology Museum moved into the estate of Shchukin in 1934. During the Great Patriotic War the museum was evacuated, its buildings were occupied by a hospital and training courses for medical personnel. The museum returned to the estate only in December of 1946, and a completely new exhibition was created in 5 months. Today the museum keeps and supports the ideas of the founder: this is not just a museum but lectorium and a laboratory with wide variety of projects and activities.